From Maggie, Pagatos Ragdolls
Pagatos started with just a few cats, but those cats made an indelible mark on what was to come. We were honored to have met some truly fantastic people and to share our lives with some absolutely unforgettable cats. To everyone that was part of this incredible journey, thank you!
Though health issues pushed me into deciding to retire from breeding, I will be looking forward to getting to share Teri’s triumphs at Oakside.
Some of my favorite memories…..
GC Lottarags Walking On Air of Pagatos
The son of GC BW RW Lottarags Annabella, herself the daughter of GC BW RW Ragangels Finest Chloe of Lottarags, DM, Walker is also litter brother to GC BW RW Lottarags Hit The Jackpot. I fell in love with Annabella at first sight and to be allowed to have her son had ME walking on air!
That pedigree certainly made a powerful impact for us. Walker is the sire of multiple Grand Champions and helped us achieve some very special milestones, including:
* GC Pagatos Gabriel, CFA’s 2012 Kitten Breed Winner and a One Show Grand Champion
* GP, RW, Pagatos Samarai Soldier, CFA’s Premier Breed Winner, and 26th Best All Breed Premier
AND, our very special, very wonderful DISTINGUISHED MERIT award for CH Pagatos Bella Lai-Dee, DM in just ONE LITTER !!
Thanks to this sweet, beautiful boy, we have achieved things we never dreamed possible. There is no way I can thank Denise enough, both for her friendship and for the experience of having Walker share our lives.
GC Pagatos Gabriel
2011-2012 CFA’s BEST Ragdoll Kitten !
Southern Region’s 3rd Best of Breed Adult
A son of Walker and Minnie, this boy was a once in a lifetime dream come true. Beautiful and gentle, we could walk though the show hall holding him upside down, totally relaxed, with his legs splayed out to every point on the compass. A shameless flirt with the judges, Gabriel had a terrific show career. In limited showing, he was not only CFA’s Best Ragdoll Kitten for the 2011-12 show season, he also Granded in his first show as an 8 month old Open. We’re really tickled that his father’s brother, GC BW RW Lottarags Hit The Jackpot, took CFA’s adult Breed Win the same year.

After Gabe’s kitten Breed Win, we were invited by Royal Canin to bring him and some of the kittens to be the Ragdoll breed representatives at their conference at the Four Seasons in Miami FL.
I have to admit I laughed knowing all the security cameras had to be watching us like hawks as we drove our old Honda into the sea of luxury cars in their parking garage! Everyone was very nice and it was so fun seeing Gabe and the babies showing off in front of a crowd. It was pretty obvious by the smiles on everyone’s faces that the enjoyment was mutual.

and THAT lead to THIS…

Talk about exciting. We were very honored to be invited by Royal Canin to attend their 2012 International Cat Breeders Convention in Nimes, France. I’ve been called a crazy cat lady a few times but to have something you love doing lead to this is priceless.

Seeing so many breeders from so many countries was an unforgettable experience. The presentations from multiple feline experts covering cattery hygiene, reproduction, neonatology, nutrition and imaging use in reproduction were certainly invaluable but what really excited us was getting to tour the factory itself. We cannot thank them enough for sharing that with us in a very personal way.
We did have one last stop before coming home..
and THAT lead to THIS…
Minnie’s a Star!
CH Pagatos Minnie Pearl
Minnie is on the cover of the Royal Canin Ragdoll formula!!
Minnie was one of our very first babies, with a whole lot of attitude packed into her dainty body! Her pedigree is a lovely combination of Solemate, Dollhouse and Kebekat (her mother is the daughter of GC, BW, RW Kebekat Kiss of Faith). Isabelle from Kebekat Ragdolls entrusted us with some of our very first Ragdolls, including Minnie’s mother Undercover Girl.
Bred to Walker, Minnie gave us our beautiful GC Pagatos Gabriel. We decided to spay Minnie after she required a second C-section, but her contribution to our goals was beyond our wildest dreams.
Walker’s legacy didn’t stop there though…
Our First Regional Winner !!
Proudly introducing
GP, RW Pagatos Samurai Soldier
CFA’s 2013-14 BEST Ragdoll Premier!
5th Best All Breed Premier ( Region 7 Win )
26th Best All Breed Premier ( National )
I don’t know which was more fun- Sammy’s wins or watching my Aunt Annie grow from a Newbie to a bona fide Campaigner in one show season. The ” Statue Cat ” as he was dubbed by more than one judge, is out of our fantastic litter from Walker and Bella. Walker passed on his phenomenal eyes ( the picture just doesn’t do them justice ) and ear set, and Bella, out of our beloved Rock Creek Painted Lady, passed on her wonderful size and boning.
He was “picked” by my Aunt’s grandsons as a young kitten but due to one of the boy’s cat allergy, Sammy had to stay with Grandma. One of the boys did get to show him before he got too big for him to hold.
After concentrating on running Sammy..
His sisters Misty and Nina had already Granded, so my Aunt and I decided to take out the last two of Walker and Bella’s stunning litter, resulting in THIS!
Our First Distinguished Merit !
CH Pagatos Bella Lai-Dee, DM
Bella is out of CH Rock Creeks Painted Lady x GC Solemates Ace In The Hole. I had promised her to my Aunt as a kitten but when Bella’s mother Possum required an emergency spay, my Aunt agreed to let me breed her once. The problem was that took forever. Bella HATED every boy she met- until Walker. Walker was a gentleman. He wooed her, he kissed her, he whispered sweet nothings into her ear- and Bella was smitten. If there was only going to be one litter, what a litter it turned out to be. Five in all, with every color possible- seal, blue, blue cream, tortie and red. A kaleidoscope of kittens and a dream come true even though we had no idea at the time just how special those babies would become.
The weekend of Oct 3, 2015 was memorable indeed. At the Platinum Coast/Miami Cat Fanciers Show, we granded the last two of Bella’s offspring, littermates Max and Pillow. It was an insane idea but we were both still reeling from losing my mother to cancer that summer and badly needed something else to think about. After a whirlwind of grumbling cats who thought they were done with show baths, we packed everyone up and headed to the show. First ring, just 5 points shy, Max finaled and Granded. Pillow took over from there and with that, the impossible became realty- CH Pagatos Bella Lai-Dee became our very first Distinguished Merit award winner with just one litter!
This was an unbelievable achievement with all five kittens in Walker and Bella’s litter becoming a Grand. That consistency of quality is unbelievable enough but THREE of those kittens are red factored, something I was told would never show well in CFA. Their litter included GC Pagatos Nina La Diva (our first red GC), a blue cream; her brother GP, RW Pagatos Samurai Soldier is a seal; their sister GP Pagatos Misty is blue; GP Pagatos Max is red. Last but certainly not least, is exquisite GP Pagatos Pillow Talk, pictured below, a stunning Seal Tortie Point and White, the final littermate to Grand with multiple finals including two Best Allbreed Premier wins!
Bella’s mother deserves a special mention here. The very first Ragdoll to come here, CH Rock Creeks Painted Lady became known as Possum for her habit of playing dead during her baths, waiting for a chance to escape, soap bubbles flying everywhere. Possum came to us all the way from California. It was almost impossible to find a nice red but when I saw Possum as a baby on the Rock Creek website, I just knew I had to have her. Jane didn’t know me from Adam but I begged her nonstop. At the time, the reds were virtually unknown in CFA and I was warned I’d get nowhere with them but I didn’t care, that girl, like Annabella, just grabbed my heart at first sight. The rest is history and to Jane, who took a gamble on this unknown, THANK YOU!
As you can see, we were so blessed to have had such a wonderful time with these beautiful cats. While it’s sad to say goodbye to this, I’m also exceedingly grateful for all the things we’ve done and the people we’ve met along the way. I don’t know yet what the future might hold and hope when I retire that I can be more fully involved again. If it’s not to be, that’s ok too- what a ride it’s been.
As we wind down, keep an eye on Teri at Oakside- may her journey be just as fulfilling as ours has been!